Thursday, January 24, 2013

December 27, 2011
Three (3) of my girl classmates from highschool already have children, Two(2) are awaiting delivery, One (1) has babies and is living with her partner, One(1) is married without a child, One (1) is married and is expecting a baby, and One(1) has a baby and is awaiting marriage.
Sound like a math problem, huh? (Well, i’m not asking questions.)
It excites me to know my mates are already mothers and wives. It wasn’t long ago when we used to play patintero (gatekeeper) at the gym or sit at the kiosk eating the sandwich one of my classmates sold.
If they could turn back time, knowing they could change their past, some of them would have lived their lives differently.
Their lives now are a few phases ahead. And some of them proceeded unprepared.
We’re only twenty one at present (Some of us younger).  An unconventional age to have a family.Young at the eyes of most people. Maybe so.
But Seeing those girls and how they have managed to build their homes, how they have worked hard to sustain it and how they have committed themselves to it, I have to say, made me have a new found respect for young wives and mothers. 
I am not saying that they had it easy as though it were a mere walk in the park. They had it hard and it was tough for them to get through every day. They were already pressed to figure their lives and their children’s lives out while others their age were, on the other hand, worrying about what profession to pursue, what classes to take, what schedule to avail, etc.
It was a challenge they had to face, carrying only whatever weaponry they have.
They fought with faith.
My mates might not be travelling on the main road. But, at least, they’re moving forward…They’re bettering their lives a step at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sentiments exactly, Janny. Everyone's having babies and for some reason I feel left out even tho I'm never one to follow trends hahaha but there's both a positive and negative effect on me.

Negative cos I'm envious they each have a little one who'll look for them when they're sad and love them unconditionally. Plus that feeling when you know that kid's yours. Ugh. I want one huhu

Good thing is that I can actually enjoy my youth! Lol. We can travel and not worry about buying milk or tuition.

I'm still proud of us that we weren't lead astray. Tho I have to salute those young and *responsible* parents. It's not easy taking care of our own lives as a young adult, what more a baby. It's not the age that matters when you have a baby, I guess. It's the love you're capable of giving.

Here's a post from one of my favorite bloggers about being a young mom, [] it's a food for thought :)